Saturday, October 24, 2009

Twilio - Google App Engine

I have been spending time with Twilio and hosting my server side code on Google App Engine. I must agree that Twilio is one of the friendliest service I have used. In fact it is so simple, that I thought to myself... why did it take so long for someone to create such a fundamental telephony building block... especially when open source stuff like Asterisk has been around. I had issues debugging originally but was later able to debug the code on my local GAE development server. I will be blogging more with my specific experiences with Twilio but so far things have been really smooth. This post may sound more like an advertisement for Twilio (no, I do not work for Twilio), but I am really excited to be experimenting with this. More on this later...

1 comment:

  1. Hey SK, thanks for the compliments - it means a lot to us that you've found the Twilio API easy to use. While you're experimenting I wanted to make sure you know about our developer contest, which runs with a new category each week. This week we're challenging developrs to build Halloween inspired apps, and I thought you might be interested. All the details are at

    Let us know if we can do anything to help at, we're always listening!

    -danielle @ Twiliot
