Saturday, March 6, 2010

Making GWT RPC endpoint independent of GWT Module path

The default GWT RPC service (Servlet) endpoint is @RemoteServiceRelativePath("some_name"), which resolves to /module_base/some_name at runtime on the client. The issue with this approach is that your RPC endpoint is now tied to GWT Module. While this may be fine for some cases, it was not for our situation. Hence this post.

We ended up creating a RPC services factory class that would create a static instance of the service endpoint and also seed it with the right endpoint; something like this:

public class ServicesFactory
public static final RPCServiceAsync RPCService = GWT.create(RPCService.class);

((ServiceDefTarget) RPCService).setServiceEntryPoint(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + RPCService.END_POINT);

Note that END_POINT is defined in the service interface itself.

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