Thursday, May 27, 2010

Making GWT UncaughtExceptionHandler send problem reports to server

If you are using GWT to write any level of real world application, you will most likely implement the This is setup via the API provided via (setUncaughtExceptionHandler()).

We have added some additional error reporting code in the exception handler, that will report the exception to the server. Along with the exception trace we are also sending client context and operation state information (and of course user-agent information is paired with that on the server). This entire set of information is logged in to the database for analysis. Given the differences in cross-browser implementation of some of these technologies, we hope to be able to make the quality of code better via this reporting mechanism. We simply don't have the bandwidth to test every user action on every browser (that of course is the very reason we use GWT).

We will report on our findings after letting this code run for a few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - is that code available somewhere? Sounds very interesting... Thanks.
